Thursday, May 16, 2013

volume d

Daintily: with delicate beauty

Demonstrate: to show how a thing is done

Depressed: gloomy low spirited sad

Devastation: the act of laying waste

Diplomat: person whose work is to manage the relations between his or her nation and other nations

Disrespect: to show a lack of respect

Drench: to wet thoroughly

authors benjamin/lucian

Monday, May 13, 2013

volume c

:volume c:

Cable: a message sent through wires or by electric currents or electronic signals

Cannon: a BIG gun; especially one that is mounted on a base wheels

Cartwheel: a sideways handspring with legs and arms held straight

Cavity: hollow place; hole

Choir:  a group of singers who sing together often in a church service

Circumstance: condition that  accompanies an act or event

Combination: series of numbers or letters dialed in opening a certain kind of lock

Complex:  hard to understand

Confidence:  firm belief in yourself

Conservation: prevention from harm or decay

Construct: to put together

Contribute: to help bring about

Critical: being important to the outcome of a situation

authors benjamin/lucian        :volume c:

Friday, May 10, 2013

:volume B:

Back flip: backward somersault in the air

Background: the part of a picture or scene toward the back

Barber: person who's business is cutting hair

Bluish: somewhat blue

Brand: to mark by burning the skin with a hot iron

Bronze: a dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin

authors: benjamin/lucian           :volume b:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

"welcome to my abridged online dictionary"          :volume a:

abdomen:the part of body containing the stomach, the intestines and other important organs

absence: condition of being without

accomplishment: something that has been done with knowledge, skill or ability.

achieve: to carry out to a successful end

acquaint: to make aware

advice: opinion about what should be done

advise: to give opinion to

agreement: harmony in feeling or opinion

anatomy: structure of a living thing

appreciate: to think highly of

architect: person who designs and makes plans for buildings

artificial: made by human skill or labor

assignment: something assigned, usually a piece of work to be done

authors: benjamin/lucian                  :volume a: